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Expert-Level Multipurpose Gamma-Spectrometry Software
IAEA Research Contract No: 201613159

Yields of Gamma Radiation of U-253
Yields of Gamma Radiation of U-253
(PDF, 486 КБ)

Development and Test of Field Useable Software for the Analysis of Gamma Spectra of Seized Sources. IAEA Research Contract No: 14900
Final report 2011

Development and Test of Field Useable Software for the Analysis of Gamma Spectra of Seized Sources. IAEA Research Contract No: 14900
Final report 2010

Software for emulation of hardware gamma-spectra in real-time mode. Authors: Berlizov A.N., Danilenko V.N., Kovalsky E.A, Skubo J.V., Solovyeva S.L., Fedorovsky S.J. Thesis of the XIII annual seminar «Spectrometer analysis. Equipment and data processing on PC», November 20-24, 2006, Obninck, 2007, p.123-134.

True coincidence correction factor calculation for cascade gamma - radiation based on statistical modeling with the use of evaluated nuclear data. Authors: Berlizov A.N., Danilenko V.N., Kazimirov A.S., Solovyeva S.L. Atomic Energy, 2006, V. 100, №5, p. 382-388.

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