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New Version 2.6.290 of NuclideMaster

      The new version 2.6.290 of NuclideMaster package has been developed.

The main features are listed below:
  1. The new operations with the nuclides libraries have been developed. Several libraries can be edited simultaneously, data can be copied from one library and pasted to another one, data can be filtered with selection by color, data in ENSDF format can be calculated to digital values. Lines can be merged depending on the identification window at the beginning and at the end of the energy range.

  2. Data of X-radiation for Eu-152 according to information on PCNuDAT web-site has been added to the nuclides database.

  3. Lines identification using nuclides database has been added (IdentDll.dll).
  4. The database Materials.mdb has been built in, which was a part of the database with shield containers in the previous versions. The software modules for containers and materials operations have been updated.
  5. The procedures for dongle protection have been changed.
  6. The page for the lines filtering has been changed in the “Decay chain” window.
  7. The procedure of filtering of he gamma-lines which intensity is less than the required percent of intensity of the most intensive nuclide line in the required energy range has been added in the “Decay chain” window.
  8. Doubling X-ray lines error has been corrected (e.g. for La-138).

The main features of the new version 2.6.290 of Nuclide Master Plus package are listed below:
  1. The new application EffCalcMC.exe for calculation of registration efficiency and true coincidence factors by Monte-Carlo method has been built in.
  2. The new application EffCalcMC.exe for calculation of registration efficiency and true coincidence factors by Monte-Carlo method has been built in.
  3. The algorithm of gamma-intensity correction in the nuclides library has been changed. The factor is used for correction, which calculated for the nearest gamma-line within (-IdWin, IdWin) energy interval, where IdWin is an identification window. The factor was averaged within (-IdWin, IdWin) energy interval in previous versions.
  4. The procedures for dongle protection have been changed.

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