SpectraLineGP has been developed for spectrometric measurements and precision processing of gamma-spectra.
SpectraLineGP is a part of
Lsrm2010. It supports all service and functional capabilities of Lsrm2010 software package.
The main features:
- algorithms of peaks search with multiplets definition;
- calibration by the lines shape;
- activity calculation by base, zone by zone, enchanced zone by zone, all zones, all zones with smoothing methods;
- consideration of self-absorption in a sample material;
- cascade summation effects consideration;
- consideration of high pressure and random coincidence;
- computational methods of detection efficiency calculation.
The demonstration configuration for a typical detector made of high purity Ge and a calibration scenario are included in SpectraLineGP installation package.
State Registration
SpectraLine software
was registered in the State Register for computer programs on the 29th of May 2014.