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EffMaker 30.06.2023 EffMaker
EffMaker software has been developed for calculation of detection efficiency and modeling of gamma spectra in different measurement geometries using Monte-Carlo method. It has ample opportunities for creation and editing of multi-layer measurement objects and spectrometers based on semiconducting and scintillation detectors with different collimators.

Features of EffMaker 3.7
- New modules of calculation of detectors responses (DRGen), response matrices (RMGen), physical spectra (PSGen) and apparatus spectra (ASGen) with improved characteristics and corrected algorithms have been developed.
- A possibility of spectra generation with determined peak pattern has been added.
- Calculation of acquisition time of generated spectra has been developed.
- Spectra calculation errors for analyzers with more than 16000 channels have been corrected.
- The databases selection has been optimized, which has enabled to avoid copying of directories with response matrices after switching.
- The process of working with materials of objects has been updated, which has solved the problem with different material databases located in different directories.
- A possibility of FWHM calibration by three points has been added (662 keV point has been added).
- A possibility of calculations for detectors placed inside the objects has been added.
- Account of Lorentz widths for X-lines during spectra calculation has been added.
GammaLab 19.06.2013 GammaLab
GammaLab software package is used for imitation of measurement process of gamma radiation sources by semiconducting and scintillation spectrometers.

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