SpectraLineBG (BetaGamma) has been developed for spectrometric analysis using both semiconductor and scintillation gamma-beta spectrometers.
SpectraLineBG allows solving the traditional problems of spectrometric analysis such as certification of provision, mineral fertilizers, construction materials, radiation monitoring, technical processes and radioactive contaminations control.
SpectraLineBG is a part of SpectraLine 1.6 and supports all service and functional capabilities of this software package.
Version: 1.6.8590
Update date: 24-01-2020
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10
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The main features:
- joint processing of gamma and beta spectra;
- templates matching method of activity calculation;
- reports for typical certification measurements;
- quality assurance system;
- measurements journal.
The demonstration configurations for scintillation beta and gamma spectrometers and a calibration scenario are included in SpectraLineBG installation package.
State Registration
SpectraLine software package has been registered in the Register of U.S. Copyright office.