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GIS LSRM software package has been developed for radiation, chemical, radiological monitoring and contamination maps creation.
Update date: 29-04-2015
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10
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(PDF, 534 KB)
GIS LSRM software package is intended for radiation monitoring of territories with gamma spectrometers and dosimetry sensors, for determination of the radionuclide composition of the objects and for results binding to the maps. The contamination maps can be created using the software: the functions of collecting, analyzing and storing of the gridded pollution information are supported. The user can emulate the pollution from certain activities using the spectra database and create the source on the basis of a spectrum supported by SpectraLine.

Main Functions
Geographical Information System The Integrated Geographic Information System (GIS) is developed on the basis of DataGIS components and provides the following functions:
  • creation of maps by importing from MIF, SXF formats using a specific application;
  • maps displaying, visualization of the selected thematic map layers;
  • maps scaling;
  • objects searching on the map;
  • the measured data display according to the color settings and thresholds.
Readings are taken from a dosimetry sensor and a detector once or in the real-time mode with the interval specified in the settings. In both cases the measured values are displayed on the map and on the graph and stored in the database along with the coordinates. The dose ranges are colored depending on the categorization requirements.

Sources Searching
The location of the radiation source is determined on the basis of the measured dose distribution. Then the source can be identified.

Spectra Processing
Spectra are processed by SpectraLineHandy. The activity is calculated using the determined distance between the spectrum acquisition point and the radiation source. Single spectrum and the spectra sum can be processed.

The spectra saved in SpectraLine database are used as radiation and background sources. The software provides: 
  • the connection of any spectrometer via configuration;
  • spectra acquisition and processing using SpectraLineHandy;
  • spectra transferring to SpectraLineHandy for the precision processing.
GIS Extremum
GIS Extremum software has been developed for mobile automated system for radiation and chemical monitoring in emergency zones «AMS-RHR». It provides the following functions:
  • operations with «AMS-RHR» equipment;
  • acquisition, saving and display of data from the software-hardware systems of radiation, chemical, dosimetry monitoring on the route, including «Azimut-P» searching system, BDBG-07 dosimeter, DKS-96 dosimeter-radiometer, WXT520 meteorological system;
  • processing of measurement results, calculation of exposure dose rate in the points of measurement;
  • the measured data display on the map.
The integrated Geographic Information System supports the following functions:
  • maps display compatible with the component;
  • visualization of the selected thematic map layers;
  • maps scaling;
  • objects searching on the map;
  • the measured data display in real-time mode according to the color settings and thresholds.
Territories Certification
The information about radiation environment is acquired, processed and displayed in GIS using Territories Certification software. It supports the following functions:
  • operations with «AMS-RHR» equipment;
  • data acquisition and display from MicroSpectr spectrometer through ftp-server device;
  • mapping of the area in accordance with the preliminary created route;
  • a source search, its position determination.
The functions supported by the integrated GIS are the same as for GIS Extremum.

State Registration:
GIS Extremum, Territories Certification software packages were registered in the State Register for computer programs on 06.05.2014.

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