SpectraLineUltimate has been developed for all gamma-beta spectrometry analysis tasks. It supports all functions of SpectraLineGP, SpectraLineBG and SpectraLineHandy as well as ExpertIdentification and NuclearMaterials options.
SpectraLineUltimate is a part of SpectraLine 1.7 and supports all service and functional capabilities of this software package.
Version: 1.7.12886
Update date: 01-11-2024
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10, Astra Linux (Wine)
Please, login for download
The main features:
- spectrometric measurements and precision processing of gamma-spectra; the processing involves calibration, peaks parameters searching, radionuclides identification, activity calculation and account for true coincidence factors for further gamma-radiation intensities correction;
- spectrometric analysis with using of semiconducting and scintillation gamma-beta-spectrometers;
- identification and activity calculation of open sources and sources in transport containers using portable gamma-radiation semiconducting and scintillation spectrometers; calculation of the protective layer thickness;
- analysis of nuclear materials, determination of Pu samples isotopic composition and U samples enrichment level;
- analysis of unidentified lines using identified nuclides lists, using user’s list and using full radionuclides database (based on ENSDF); radionuclides filtration by half-decay period, energy spectrum etc.; decay chains analysis, escape peaks and peaks of true and random coincidence analysis.
- quality assurance system;
- measurements journal.
The following demonstration configurations are included in SpectraLineUltimate:
- for typical HPGe detector;
- for beta radiation scintillation spectrometer;
- for HPGe detector;
- for detector based on LaBr3(Ce) crystal;
- for gamma radiation scintillation spectrometer with NaI crysta;
- for coaxial detector with Pu spectra;
- for planar detector with Pu spectr;
- for coaxial detector with U spectra;
- for planar detector with U spectra.
State Registration:
SpectraLine software package has been registered in the Register of U.S. Copyright office.