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The X International Conference
"The problems of applied spectrometry and radiometry"

The anniversary tenth conference PASR-2007 took part into Kolontaevo rest home, Moscow region, from 8 to 11 of October, 2007. The conference has been organized by SPC "Aspect" (Dubna).

1. FGU "32 National Scientific-Research Institute of Ministry of Defense"
2. MosSPE "Radon"
3. Dollezhal NIKIET
4. FGUP Institute in Physical and Technical Problems
5. FGUP "Production Association "Electrochemical plant"
6. Uralsk State Technical Institute - UPI
7. FGUP "Mayak"
8. JSK "Expertcenter"
9. ОАО "Moscow Polymetals Plant"
10. "LSRM" Ltd
11. ООО SPE "Spectr-MEPhI"
12. Institute of Engineering Ecology
13. SPE «Atomtex»
14. Chernobyl NPP
15. SPC "Aspect"
16. JSK "cyclotron"
18. RPE "Atom Komplex Prylad"
19. ООО "Ristel"
20. Uralsk Electrochemical Complex
21. SPE "Luch", "Techno-Luch" department
22. 000 "NTM - Zashita"
23. ОАО "Kristall"
24. V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute
25. "Eleron" NIKO-2
26. "Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex"
27. Central R&D Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics
28. JSK "Pribory"
29. Rovensk NPP
30. Novovoronezh NPP
31. Canberra Industries
32. JSK "Komita"
33. ELEMASH (OAO “Mashinostroitelny Zavod”)
34. "Radon", Irkutsk
35. ООО "Primtexnopolis"
37. JSK "Ecomet-C"
38. JSK "SPE"Ecoatom"
39. FGUP «D.I.Mendeleyev VNIIM»
40. "Siberian Chemical Plant"
41. JSK "Ritverc"
42. FGUP "STC "Nuclear-phisics Researches"
43. JSK "Center of water research and monitoring"
44. JSK "SeverStal"
45. TOO "Expertcenter"

More than 40 reports have been presented, the abstracts have been published by the beginning of the conference. The best report competition has been organized.

Seleznev Adrian Vitalyevich, an engineer of the Radiation laboratory of the Institute of Engineering Ecology became the winner of the competition. He presented the report "Research of migration and accumulation processes of Cs-137 in cities". The reporter was rewarded by money award.

The preliminary decision of the organizational committee about the next XI conference - PASR-2009 will be in Tuapse, at the beginning of October, 2009.


PASR-2007 abstracts archive
(PDF, 484 КБ)

Report in Photos

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