Nuclide Master
Nuclide Master software has been developed for getting information on radioactive decay parameters and creating user libraries in LSRM software package format.
Version: 2.10.1844
Update date: 14-01-2025
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10
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Version 2.10 is extended with new functionality:
Radionuclides database
The database of decays parameters contains data for more than 3000 nuclides with their meta-stable states.
The data from the following sources are included into installation package:
- ENSDF-file (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) from the website of Brookhaven National Laboratory supplemented by data on X-Ray lines on the basis of TOI (table of isotopes).
- LSRM data for U-235.
- Data from Henri Becquerel laboratory (Data Decay Evaluation Project)
- The standard reference data, approved by Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (certificate №273, October 31, 2013).
- Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF) ( data of Nuclear Energy Agency.
Information about decays parameters contains:
- half-life periods of radionuclides;
- decays types;
- levels energies;
- conversion coefficients;
- energies and intensities of gamma and alpha peaks;
- energies and intensities of beta-transitions;
- energies and intensities of X-ray lines, natural width for X-ray K-lines on the basis of TOI (table of isotopes).
In addition to the data sources included into installation package, Nuclide Master provides the ability to create user’s versions of radioactive decay parameters:
- the nuclides or lines parameters can be changed and saved in the database for the data source;
- the data source can be created on the basis of the nuclides library;
- the changes can be loaded for the selected data source;
- preview and comparison of line parameters loaded from several data sources;
- initial ENSDF data or another data source which is contained in the database can be loaded.
Lines library creation
The software allows you to view alpha and gamma lines list and save them in text file in LSRM software package format.
Software service functions allow user to sort data by energy, intensity and so on, and exclude some data, e.g. lines with low intensity.
The lines list can be formed with all nuclides in the decay chain of the parent nuclide.
The index can be saved for a line in software version of 2.10 and higher. The index is the unique number in the database of radioactive decay parameters. The indexing mechanism is used to establish a unambiguous correspondence between the line in the library and the line in the database, in contrast to the automatic identification of the line by its parameters (for example, within the identification window), for which several solutions, none or an incorrect match can be found. Indexing is especially important when data from different sources are used, for example ENSDF, DDEP. Indexing can be used to set the correspondence between a line in the library and multiple lines in the database. This can be useful if several close lines have been merged.
If a new library is created the line index is added automatically. The libraries in the old format can be supplemented using the special module in manual and automatic mode with further editing.
The program provides the database search for lines close to the selected one. The search can be performed:
- within the energy tolerance;
- within the energy range;
- among the lines of the current nuclide;
- among all nuclides in the database;
- among the lines of the nuclide and its daughter or parent nuclides according to the decay chain.


Decay chains viewing
The software allows to:
- view the decay chain for the selected nuclide;
- view the conversion scheme for the decay selected in the chain;
- display dynamically the change of nuclide activity according to its decay chain for the specified time interval;
- calculate a nuclide activity according to its decay chain for arbitrary dates, including past dates.
The utility for libraries comparison is used for radionuclides libraries comparison and editing.
The software allows to:
- compare data of two files in .lib format or two data sources which are the part of Nuclide Master database;
- create the radionuclides library using data from the another library;
- save radionuclides libraries.

The utility for viewing and editing of X-Ray lines database XRayViewer
The utility is used for viewing and editing of X-Ray lines database.
It provides the following functions:
- X-Ray lines database viewing;
- data editing;
- database saving.
State Registration:
Nuclide Master has been registered in the Register of U.S. Copyright office.