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AuditTrail is an additional option for the software of spectra precision processing SpectraLineXX, which includes the authorization system, the audit log and access control to the program functions.

Update date: 12-07-2022
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10
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SpectraLineXX1.7 - AuditTrail.pdf
(PDF, 819 КБ)

AuditTrail is an additional option for the software of spectra precision processing SpectraLineXX, which includes the authorization system, the audit log and access control to the program functions.

These functions will be useful for organizations for which the increased requirements for data protection, quality assurance system and traceability of results (production of radiochemical pharmaceuticals, medical institutions, etc.) and GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice) are applied.

Authorization System
  • two levels of user accounts: administrators and operators;
  • the ban on entering the program without login and password;
  • checking the level of reliability of the created passwords;
  • storage of logins and passwords as Windows accounts in the encrypted form;
  • setting by the administrator of the program functions available to the operator;
  • blocking the operator's account in case of a three-time mistake when entering the password;
  • password changing after the period of time set in the settings;
  • repeated request for a password in the absence of activity;
  • encryption of lsrm.cnf configuration files.

Audit Log – the log of user actions in the program:

  • storage of information about the actions performed by users in the database:
    • the action type,
    • the date and time of its execution,
    • user login,
    • status (information record, warning, error),
    • text comment,
    • old and new versions of a file and its checksums for actions with files,
    • old and new values of the parameter for actions with parameters;
  • logging information about the following actions:
    • the list of configurations changing: creating a configuration, adding to the list, deleting, saving the list in a file;
    • configuration parameters changing;
    • spectrum parameters changing (basic, sample and additional parameters);
    • ROI fitting parameters changing;
    • energy, FWHM, peak pattern, detection efficiency calibrations changing: creating, changing a file;
    • spectra changing: creating, changing a file;
    • a spectrum opening, closing;
    • operations with the analyzer window: start, stop, clear, snapshot;
    • the program loading, closing;
    • user changing;
  • the ability to view the log by users with administrator rights;
  • checking for illegal modification of files (for example, from Windows Explorer) by comparing the checksum of the file on disk and the checksum from the log;
  • the ability to restore a file from the log.

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