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SpectraLineGP (Gamma Precision) software package has been developed for spectrometric measurements and precision processing of gamma spectra, measured by semiconductor and scintillation spectrometers.
SpectraLineGP is a part of SpectraLine 1.7 and supports all service and functional capabilities of this software package.

Version: 1.7.12244
Update date: 12-07-2024
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10, Astra Linux (Wine)
Please, login for download

(EXE, 189 MB)
(PDF, 740 KB)
The main features:
  • algorithms of peaks search and multiplets separation;
  • calibration by the peak shape;
  • different methods of activity calculation;
  • consideration of self-absorption in a sample material;
  • account for cascade summation effect;
  • correction to high count rates and accidental summation;
  • different methods of detection efficiency calculation;
  • source-detector distance correction of detection efficiency
  • operations with materials database;
  • operations with spectra database
  • quality assurance system;
  • measurements journal.
The demonstration configuration for a typical detector made of high purity Ge and a calibration scenario are included in SpectraLineGP installation package.

State Registration:
SpectraLine software package has been registered in the Register of U.S. Copyright office.

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