PPD-92, Alpha-92, Sc-92 software packages was developed.
The integrated Lsrm-93 software package for α-, β- and γ-spectrometry in MS-DOS was created.
November 1994
The LLP LSRM company was registered.
October 1996
The I-st International conference PASR-96 was organized.
Lsrm software package was transferred to Windows environment.
April 1997
OOO LSRM was registered.
October 1997
The II-nd International conference PASR-97 was organized.
The 32-bit Lsrm version for Windows was created.
Principles of joined beta- and gamma-measurements were developed and realized.
"Lsrm for Windows" software package became the basic for SPC Aspect spectrometry devices.
Nuclide Master software package was developed.
LsrmCustoms software was developed for the portable gamma-spectrometers measurements, under the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia.
FSUE "MAYAK" used the LSRM software as a basic one. Fifty Lsrm2000 complete sets were purchased.
The beginning of the Lsrm-2005 software package development LsrmLite software was created.
October 2002
Submerged detectors software was developed for alpha spectrometry.
October 2002
The VI-th International conference PASR-2002 was organized.
The basic software packages were transferred to Win2000, XP platforms.
July 2003
Diogen software was developed for radioactive waste inventory system.
December 2003
LsrmCustoms software was adapted for RSU "Signal" and delivered to the State Customs Committee of Russia.
May 2004
In terms of agreement with Joint-Stock Company "Canberra Paccard Trading Corporation" Lsrm software was adapted for the Canberra analyzers.
October 2004
SpectraLine, the first program of Lsrm2005 family, was developed for spectrometry measurements and linear spectra processing by the commonly used methods.
October 2004
The measurement method "Nuclides activity in the measured samples. Method of measurements by gamma-, beta-spectrometers, using LSRM software" was certified by All-Russia D.I.Mendeleyev Scientific and Research Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) (FGUP "D.I.Mendeleyev VNIIM"). It was added to the Kazakhstan Register of State System of Measurement Uniformity.
March 2006
The methodology for alpha-spectrometry analysis of U and Pu was developed and realized as SpectraLineAda-ECP software for FGUP "ECP", Zelenogorsk.
September 2006
The true coincidence factors calculation method and it's validity test results were published in "Atomic energy" №5 (2006) as the article of Berlizov A.N., Danilenko V.N., Kazimirov A.S., Solovyeva S.L.
December 2007
The project "The software emulator for practical application of spectrometers SKS-50M and Gamma-1C/NB1" was finished. This project was realized by the order of Federal Customs Service. It is one of most global our projects. The work was lasting for two years. The project was installed in the branches of Russian Customs Academy.
April 2008
The representation of LSRM in the European Union was organized on the basis of the company Europolis in Gdansk.
May 2008
The research contract was signed with IAEA. The research project is "Development and test of field usable software for the analysis of gamma spectra of seized sources".
October 2008
The thesis "The software package for emulation of gamma spectrometry experiments and method of gamma-spectra processing" was defended by Solovyeva S.L. in Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, on October 29,2008. This thesis was put forward for Ph.D. degree of the specialty 01.04.01 — «Experimental techniques, physics of instruments, automation of physical research».
March 2009
The first native digital spectrometry device was integrated with SpectraLine software package by the professionals from LSRM together with their colleagues from IFTP (The Institute in Physical and Technical Problems).
June 2010
The software package EffMaker for calculation of the registration efficiency and for modeling of gamma-spectra for different measurement geometries by Monte Carlo method was created.
December 2010
"The methodology for calculation of the summary beta-activity of the daughter products of the uranium radioactivity decay in the measured samples on the beta-spectrometer, using LSRM software", developed by LSRM in FGUP VNIIFTRI, was certified.
May 2011
"The methodology for metal monitoring", developed by SPC Aspect and LSRM was certified.
August 2011
"The methodology for calculation of the gamma-radiating radionuclide's activity in containers with waste products, using gamma-spectrometric package with LSRM software — SpectraLine and EffMaker",developed by LSRM in FGUP VNIIFTRI, was certified.
September 2011
The first courses for advanced training "Practical spectrometry" were held.
The research project with IAEA "Creation and testing of the software using in real-life conditions for analysis of forfeit sources gamma-spectra" was finished. Final report "Development and Test of Field Useable Software for the Analysis of Gamma Spectra of Seized Sources 2011" was presented.
Family of programs Lsrm2010 was developed.
April 2012
25 spectrometers based on detectors LaBr with SpectraLineAmethyst software were delivered to FTS.
April 2013
The new version of software package LSRM-SPORO with support of the Canberra portable scintillation gamma-spectrometer Inspector-1000 was created.
October 2013
The new version of Diogen III software package was developed for radioactive waste certification using inventory systems with arbitrary number of measurement channels, including inventory system of SKG-02-03 type for non-return shielding containers.
February 2014
"The Methodology for monitoring", stated in document «Radionuclides» activity in measured samples. The methodology for measurement with gamma-spectrometers using SpectraLine software" developed by LSRM was certified.
February 2014
SpectraLine 1.5 software packages were updated on LSRM web-site.
March 2014
"Methodologies for calculation of the radionuclide specific activity in measured samples on beta-and gamma — spectrometers using SpectraLine software" were certified.
May 2014
LSRM was added to the State Register of accredited organizations.
May-June 2014
LSRM software was registered in the State Register of computer programs.
March 2017
Our software is registered in the Unified Register of Russian software for computers and databases.
February 2018
"The measurement procedure for randomly distributed activity of gamma-emitting radionuclides in casks using a gamma-spectrometric system with SpectraLine software" was certified.
July 2018
LSRM SPORO Stereo software has been developed for measurement of objects with sophisticated geometrical parameters using several spectrometric channels and various peripheral devices. There is also the possibility of identification, calculation of nonuniformly distributed activity of gamma-emitting radionuclides and certification of radioactive wastes.
October 2018
The project with IAEA "Expert-Level Multipurpose Gamma-Spectrometry Software" was finished. Final report was presented.
January 2021
The new versions of SpectraLine 1.7 and Nuclide Master (Plus) 2.10 software packages have been issued on LSRM web-site.
March 2022
"The method of measurement of the activity of radionuclides in the counting samples by alpha-spectrometers using SpectraLine software" was certified.
July 2022
A new option AuditTrail, audit log for SpectraLineXX software family, has been released.
July 2022
"The activity measurement procedure for gamma emitting radionuclides in counting samples with the use of gamma radiation spectrometers and SpectraLine and Nuclide Master Plus software" was certified.